Tuesday 2 December 2014

Building a museum of museums on the web

Last week on my teaching placement I delivered the lesson: 'Painting Techniques - Impressionism and Post Impressionism'.  Within this I delivered a PowerPoint I had put together, to aid my explanation of these art movements and the major artists and artworks associated with them.  
The class was engaged, enjoyed the presentation, were able to discuss the art movement with me and name additional artists and artworks within the movement.

This was all fine but it had its limits.  When I gave a demonstration on the painting techniques of Monet and Van Gogh I was not able to show on the PowerPoint nor on bing, clear images of the brushstrokes of the artists featured in my lesson.  I have since found the Amit Sood TED talk 'Building a museum of museums on the web'.

This TED talk has inspired me to use the Google Art Project in future lessons https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/project/art-project and to look for on-line art education resources.  Perhaps Amit's point that this is to supplement the experience of going to a museum rather than replicate the experience is true (Sood, 2011).  It could be a way of engaging young people into visiting museums and galleries. As for the point I made earlier about wanting to see brushstrokes of Impressionist artists, Amit has the answer: 
"What if you want to see the brushstrokes?  And what if you want to see how Van Gogh actually created a masterpiece? You zoom in. You really go in." (Sood, 2011). While this would not be possible on web images with thousands of pixels on Google Art Project with around 10 billion pixels you can

These images are of Van Gogh's famous 'The Starry Night', they are screenshots of zooming further and further into the painting.  This is amazing, new, unique and go further into the painting than what we would be able to see in a museum, further than we would ever see. This is a really brilliant teaching aid and one I will be definitely using with my class soon.

Sood, A. (2011) 'Building a museum of museums on the web'. From transcript available at: 



  1. Hi Florence, I think it could be good, not all of its content is as good as the Van Gogh works, which they have really gone to town on, but I guess they will continue and it is a massive undertaking to photograph in high res all the galleries of the world, good on them

  2. Great discovery! I'm really enjoying your blog journey..it's good! Nice work!
